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Friday, June 25, 2021

The Present Tense

 The Tense

There are three main tenses:

Present Tense( expresses actions in the present time.)

Past Tense.( expresses actions in the past)

Future Tense( expresses actions that are likely to take place in future.)

Each tense has its four kinds:


2. Continuous

3. Perfect

4. Perfect Continuous

Let's talk about Present tense:

Present Indefinite /Simple Tense

It is used:

* to talk about habits and actions done repeatedly

* to talk about scientific  facts and permanent truths

* to talk about natural qualities and professional activities

Examples:. Monkeys eat bananas.( habit)

    She goes to the temple daily.( repeated action)

   A magnet attracts iron. ( scientific truth)

   All planets revolves around the sun.( fact)

   Honey tastes sweet( natural quality)

   A green grocer sells vegetables.( professional activity)

Note. We use this tense in proverbs as they express permanent truth:

              A stitch in time saves nine.

Rules: Subject+first form of verb

Add s/es to the root word( first form of verb) if the sub.is singular.( avoid it if it is plural)

  Helping verbs: Does( for singular) Do ( for plural)

Example:.( singular subject)  Roma writes neatly.( positive)

                                                Roma does not write neatly.( negative)

                                                Does Roma write neatly? ( interrogative)

Note. s/es is removed from verb if using 'does' as helping verb to form negative and interrogative sentences.

Example. ( plural subject) Roma and Rita dance well.( positive)

                                            Roma and Rita do not dance well.(negative)

                                            Do Roma and Rita dance well?( interrogative)

 Exercise. 1 

Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense of the verb given in the bracket:

  Aman _____ his work sincerely. ( do)

 They always______ to God in the morning. ( prayed)

 She _____ not_____  very well.( sang)

I____ early in the morning.( got up)

Present Continuous Tense

* This tense denotes an action taking place at the time of speaking:

    It is raining now..

* It is used to denote a temporary action which may not be necessarily happening at the time of speaking:

 These days he is preparing for some competitive exam.

* It is also used to denote an action about to take place in near future:

 I am going to Jaipur tomorrow

Rules. Subject+ is, am, are( helping verbs) + I st form of verb+ ing

 ' is' with singular subject

'am' with 'I'

'are 'with plural subject


Positive:       She is dancing.  

                   I am reading a book.

                   They are sleeping

Negative: She is not dancing.

                I am not reading a book.

               They are not sleeping.

Interrogative: Is she dancing?

                       Am I reading a book?

                      Are they sleeping?

Exercise 2.

 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets in the present continuous tense:

What______________ these days?( you, write)

Why________________ today?( the masons, not work)

I ______ him tomorrow.( meet)

Her mother_______dish for her.( cook)

Present Perfect Tense

This tense tells about actions which have already been  completed or have just been completed.

Rules: Subject+ has, have +3rd form of verb( past participle)

With singular subjects, use 'has'. 'Have' is used with plural subjects

Examples: Positive:  

                                    I have finished the task. 

                                     She has cooked the food.


                                   I have not finished the task.

                                  She has not cooked the food


                               Have I finished the task?  

                              Has she cooked the food? 

  Exercise 3.

 Fill in the blanks with present perfect tense of the verb given in bracket.

They ___________ a new car.( buy)

You __________ the picture.( colour)

Neema and Arpit____________the dance classes.( not join)

________ he _______ the task? ( perform)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

* Used to show that an action started in the past and has continued up to the present time. 

*  It emphasizes the duration ,or the amount of time that an action has been taking place.

Rule: Subject+ has been(for singular number) , have been( for plural number)+ ing with Ist form of     verb+ time

Examples: Positive:

                  She has been studying since morning .

                 They have been playing cricket for three hours.


               She has not been studying since morning.

               They have not been playing cricket for three hours.


                Has she been studying since morning?  

                 Have they been playing cricket for three hours? 

Exercise 4.

Change the following sentences into present perfect continuous tense:( Stick to its rules; make changes accordingly)

Raman has learnt the poem.

Yashi is riding bicycle.

We do not read the newspaper.

Are they making a noise?

Note. This tense resembles the present continuous tense. But it  emphasizes duration whereas in present continuous tense we do not find the same thing. 

>>for understanding present tense in detail:




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