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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What are Adjectives?


A. Defining an adjective

An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning  of a noun ( or a pronoun).   Example- Rona is a tall girl.                                                                                                                                         He is angry now.

In the first sentence, tall is an adjective as qualifying a noun, Rona.

In the second sentence ,angry is telling something about'he' ( a pronoun)

Adjectives can be of six kinds:

1. Adjective of Quality ( telling what kind of)             shy girl                       long road

2. Adjective of Quantity( telling how much)                some water                 much help

3. Adjective of Number ( telling how many)                four fans                     many people

4. Demonstrative Adjectives( used to point out)          this house                   those boys

5. Interrogative Adjectives( used to ask questions)     whose bag?                 which dress?

6.Possessive Adjectives( telling whose)                        her pencil                   our clothes

B. Formation of adjectives 

They can be formed:

1.From nouns:     honour-  honouraable;      peace- peaceful;          style- stylish  etc.

2. From verbs:    quarrel-quarrelsome;         talk- talkative; 

3.From other adjectives: red- reddish;         black- blackish 

Let's learn how to make adjectives with the help of some suffixes. Sometimes we need to alter the spellings slightly while adding a suffix.


           Suffix                                        word                                       adjective

            ous                                             fame                                        famous

                                                               nerve                                       nervous

            some                                          trouble                               troublesome

                                                               tire                                          tiresome

                                                            ease                                               easy

                                                                hunger                                     hungry

             like                                             child                                      childlike

                                                                life                                           lifelike

              ly                                               love                                           lovely

                                                                day                                              daily

             less                                             law                                          lawless

                                                                mercy                                    merciless

             ive                                              express                                 expressive

                                                                talk                                          talkative

              ish                                              kid                                              kidish

                                                                 slave                                          slavish

               ic                                               hero                                             heroic

                                                                 science                                    scientific

               ful                                             duty                                            dutiful

                                                                 beauty                                     beautiful

                ar                                              circle                                         circular

                                                                  table                                           tabular

                al                                               essence                                    essential

                                                                  navy                                             naval

Practice Exercise:

  Q. Make adjectives from the following words by   adding one of the suffixes:   al' ous, ful, y, glory,             harm, price , virtue, industry, adventure , mystery.

C  Correct use of Adjectives

> Some, Any

Some is used  in affirmative sentences while any is used in negative sentences:

     She has already some bags.

     She has not bought any bags.

Note.  How to make interrogative sentences?

    Do you have some money? ;  Do you have any money?

Both the above sentences are correct. But 'some' is used when some affirmative answer is expected. 

'Any'is used if a negative answer is expected:

      I am feeling hungry. Could you please give me some bread to eat?

( We have used some because we expect  an affirmative answer)

    I hope you can do the work yourself, Do you need any help?

( We  have used any because we expect a  negative answer.)

> Much, many

Much means a large quantity of;it is used with  uncountables:

    much water               much grief

 Many means a large number of; it is used with the plurals of countables:

     many pencils               many months

> Little, few

Little is used with uncountables; few is used with countables

      little care       little hope

      few relatives   few cards

> Little, a little, the little

    Little = almost none( Little is almost a negative adjective)

    A little= at least some

    The little= the whole, though very little

Example- He has little money. He cannot buy an ice-cream with it.

                 He has a little money. He can afford to buy an ice-cream with it.

                 He bought an ice-cream with the little money he had.

> Few, a few, the few

    Few= not many, in fact almost none

    A few= at least some

    The few= all of them, though very few

Example- Few friends come to my place. So I am often lonely.

               Sometimes a few friends come to my place and we have a nice time,

               The few friends I have come to my place very rarely.

Revision exercise:

A. Use some or any to fill these blanks:

1.I have ________ pencils but I do not have_______ pens.

2.There aren't _________ leaves left on the tree,

B. Fill in the blanks with much or many:

 1.How  ____ did the rice cost you?

2.How ______ kilograms of rice did you buy?

C Use little, a little, the little, few, a few or the few to fill these blanks:

1 They wanted the party to go on____ longer.

2.May I have ___ more water please?

3.There are still ____ tickets available for the show,

4.There is ______ honey left in the bottle. You have to buy a new bottle.

5. _______ shops we have in our locality were closed.

>>>to learn adjectives in deatil click on the given link: https://youtu.be/CkfC9cvNDJs




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