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Sunday, June 6, 2021


Defining a Verb:-

A verb denotes an action, being or possession. It tells what a person, thing or animal does; what a person, animal or thing is; or what person, animal or thing has.

Examples -    He drew a beautiful picture (action)
                    Shomis smart. (being)
                    A dog has four legs. (possession)

Transitive verb & Intransitive verb:-

Transitive Verb: A verb that requires an object to complete its meaning is known as 'Transitive Verb'

The child needs milk. (milk is the object of the verb 'needs' and this object is necessary to  complete the meaning of  The child needs.....).

Note. Only 'doing verbs' and 'verbs showing possession' can be transitive verbs.

Intransitive Verb: A verb that does not require an object to complete its meaning is called an  'Intransitive Verb'.

The baby smiled. (Here the verb 'smiled' does not need any object to  complete its meaning).

 Verbs of incomplete prediction & complements:-

A verb which does not express any action or show possession and needs the help or presence of some word/words to make sense is called a verb of incomplete prediction.

Verbs like be (is,are, am, was, were, will be, shall be etc.), appear, seem & look are incomplete verbs. They need complements to complete their meaning.

The student is intelligent. (here, the word intelligent is needed to complete the meaning of the given example).

Note: A verb is an important part of a sentence. No sentence can be formed without a verb

Chief parts of a verb.

The chief parts of a verb are:
1. The present tense( first form)
 2. The past tense(second form)
 3.The past participle(third form)

  For example:
   Go(first form)
  Went( second form)
   Gone(third form)
They are called the chief parts because we can form all the other parts of a verb with their help

Practice Exercises:

a.) Underline the verb & write whether they are Transitive or Intransitive:

1. Lata sings songs. ____
2. The sun sets in the evening.____
3. She cried when she could not find her parents.____
4. That man sells fruits.____
5.Father is driving the car. ____
6.Rajat plays badminton.

b.) Circle the verb of incomplete prediction & underline their complements:

1. His face grew pale.
2. Mita seems happy.
3. Tina was tired.
4. The landlord appeared angry.
5. The lion is ferocious.
6.Nandan was surprised to see her.

c) Underline the verbs and circle the objects in the following sentences
  1.I purchased a new dress.
  2.Mita got a toy.
  3.The doctor prescribed me some medicines.
  4.They hit the target.
  5/She eats soaked almonds everyday
  6.My uncle has a pet dog..

Strong and Weak Verbs:-

1 .Strong verbs form their past tense by adding -ed, -d, or -t to the present:
    Present Tense               Past Tense
    laugh                              laughed
    learn                               learnt      ( etc.)

2.Strong verbs form their past tense by changing the inside vowel(s) of their present tense:

   Present Tense                Past Tense
   come                               came
   know                               knew (etc.)

3. Observe how the past tense of the following verbs is formed:

     Present Tense             Past Tense
      buy                              bought
      tell                                told

We notice that in these verbs, the inside vowel has been changed to form the past tense. But besides a changed vowel, they also require final -d or-t. Such verbs are called a 'weak verbs'

4. There is  a very simple way of telling whether a particular verb is weak or strong. 

If in the past tense of verb, there is present a  final-d or-t that is not found in the present tense, it is a weak verb.

Some Strong Verbs

Some Weak Verbs:

* meet ( instead of meat)
F) The following verbs have the three forms ( present, past and future) alike: 
        bet           bid              cast           cost
        cut           hit               hurt           let
        put           read            set             shut
        split         spread         thrust        upset    

>>Click the following link to know more about 'Verbs' :

Some troublesome Verbs:-

1.Born, borne
    Bear has the following forms:
                                  Present           Past            Past Participle
    (to give birth)           bear              bore              born
    (to carry)                  bear               bore             borne
    She was born in 2002.
    The box was so heavy that it could be borne with great difficulty.

2. Hung, hanged
    Hang has the following forms:
      ( to suspend)           hang             hung               hung
      (to put to death 
       by tying a rope
      round the neck)       hang             hanged           hanged
     They hung the picture on the wall.
      The criminal was hanged.

3. Lie.
     Lie has the following forms: 
    (to rest or remain)       lie                lay                   lain
    (to speak falsely)         lie               lied                  lied

    I was tired. So I lay down for  little while. (= rest)
    Let me lie here(= to remain)
    I know he lied to you. (= to speak falsely)
    To lay means to put or place something down. Its forms are:
                                        lay                 laid                laid

    Kindly lay the child in the bed.(=place)
    I forgot where I had laid the purse(=place or put down)

    Note:- When lay is in the present  form, its meaning is to place. But  it is also the past        tense of  lie.

4. Fell
    Fell is the past tense form of  fall. 
    She fell off her bicycle.
    But  fell is also used in the present tense. Then its meaning 
is to cause something to fall         and its forms are:
                                         fell               felled                felled

    They felled the trees quite thoughtlessly.
    The wrestler felled him down quite easily.

5. Saw
    Saw is the past tense form of see. 

     She saw a large crowd.
     But saw is also used in the present tense. Then its meaning is to cut( wood) and its                forms  are
                                       saw              sawed                  sawn (rarely, sawed)

    The carpenter sawed the log of the wood.

6. Rise, raise. 
    To rise  means to get up.           
    To raise means to lift.

   All of us will rise to welcome the Chief Guest. ( = get up)
   The sun rises in the east. (= to come up)
   We raised our hands in prayer.( = to lift)


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