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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Letter Writing

How to write a letter?
A) Broadly speaking, there are two types of letters.:

1. Informal letters: letters to parents, relatives, friends, etc.

2. Formal letter: letters to business firms, letters to the editor of a newspaper, applications, invitations, letters to Government officials
B) The format of informal letter:

     D-86 Valley of Flowers
     Thakur Village,
     Kandivali (East)                     --------Sender's address
     Mumbai 400101
     July 24 ,2021                         ------- Date 
     Dear( name of the person)    ------- Salutation

Body of the letter- This part has three paragraphs
   Paragraph 1-  Ask for the well being of the person
   Paragraph 2- Write in detail about the purpose
   Paragraph 3-  Conclusion and end of the letter  

   Yours affectionately                ------Complimentary Close
    Nilima /Signature/                  ------Your name


1. The date can be written as:
     May 24 2021

2. The salutation can be written as:
        Dear Mother, Dear Father e.t.c (Capitalize the words Father, Mother etc.)

3.  The subscription can be:
          Yours affectionately/lovingly/friendly etc.

             Write: Yours                Do not write: Your/ Your's

C) The format of a formal letter:

      F-2/81 Model Colony         ------Sender's address-

     August 8, 2021                     ------Date-

.   The Postmaster                     ------Name of the person/ firm receiving the letter
    General Post Office
    Kashmiri Gate
    Delhi 6

     ( Topic of letter writing)       ------. Subject  

     Dear Madam/ Sir                 ------ Salutation

     Body-                                    ------ (content)


     Yours sincerely/faithfully        -----Subscription  

     Sam                                         ----- Signature 


 Format of writing application to the Principal:

   August 10,2021          ------ Date 

  The Principal              ------The person you address your letter to
    New Delhi.

Application for leave     ------Subject

Respected Madam/ Sir   ------Salutation

_____________________________________________________________( Body of the letter)

  Yours Obediently         -----Complimentary Close

     Arik Shaw                 -----Sender's Name ( and class)

Specimen of informal letter:

Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for sending you a gift on your birthday.

 A-33 Karol Bagh

New Delhi-110005

 August 10, 2021

Dear Uncle

I hope my letter finds you in good health. Uncle, yesterday it was my birthday. I celebrated it happily with my friends and family members. The same day I received a  parcel from you. When I opened it,a wonderful watch  was found. Uncle  it is so beautiful. . All my friends appreciate it. It is so useful to me . I thank you a lot for remembering me on my special day and for sending such a fabulous gift.If you had come to attend the party, I would have been very happy.Rest is fine

How is dear aunt ? Please convey my regards to her.

Hope to see you soon.

Your loving nephew/niece 


Specimens of formal letter.

write a letter to your Principal requesting her to grant you leave for four days as you are going out of station to attend a wedding.

August 14, 2021

The Principal

A.B.D. P.School


Subject: Leave application for four days

Respected Madam

I wish to state that  my cousin is getting married on Monday, August 23, 2021 at Bhopal. The whole family is leaving for Bhopal on Sunday to attend the wedding.. We will come back on 26.8.21. So I won't be able to attend the school from 23.8.21 to 26.8.21. Kindly grant me leave for four days as mentioned above.T shall be grateful to you.

Yours Obediently

Ramon George( V-B)

B) Write a letter to the Post Master, General Post Office,Ghaziabad complaining  of late delivery  of post. You are  Shelly Narang of Morta, Ghaziabad.

Freehold Colony

Morta ( GZB.)

August 8,2021

The Post Master

General Post Office


Subject: Complaining of late delivery of letters


I wish to bring to your kind notice that the postman of our area is not performing his duty sincerely. We do not get our letters and sometimes very important posts in time. He  visits the area off and on.If he comes then he  does not put the post into the letter box. So the letters are misplaced and lost.We are suffering because of it.

I talked to him regarding this matter but all in vain.Kindly look into the matter and take immediate and strict steps to get us relieved.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Shelly Narang( A resident of Morta)



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