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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Future tense

  This tense tells about actions that will take place in the time to come.

Rule:         Subject+ will, shall + Ist form of the verb.

Examples:    He will go to Delhi tomorrow.

                    We shall participate in the competition.

 Normally we use ' will' with all persons. With first person, we may use' shall'instead of 'will', but even that is not common.

Short forms

will/shall= 'll                  will not= won't                      shall not= shan't

Examples. Positive: 

                           I'll get you some water.

                          She'll return your money by Wednesday.

                         We shall get wet in this rain.


                            I won't get you some water.

                           She won't return your money by Wednesday.

                           We shan't get wet in this rain.


                             Will I get you some water?

                            Will she return your money by Wednesday?

                            Shall we get wet in this rain?

       Going to.

   * This form is used to suggest people's intention to do something in the near future:

        We are going to buy a new car tomorrow.( We have already decided  to do so)

  *  It is used to make predictions about the future when there are clear signs that it will come                         true:

            Look at the careless manner in which he is playing . He is going to get out any moment.

   *  Present continuous with a future meaning.

       We often use the present continuous tense to express an action that someone has arranged 

         to do in  the future.

           Example: They are spending their next vacation in Manali.

   * Simple present with a future meaning

         Sometimes present simple tense is used to talk about a programme  or timetable in the future.

    Example: The match begins next week.

                    My train leaves at 3,30 p.m

    Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with  will'/shall or going to form

                The markets___________ be closed at 7 p.m

               If you do not work hard , you_____ get less marks in exams.

                I _____ help you if you need it.

               That boat is full of water. It is_________ to sink.

    Future Continuous Tense

   This tense is used to express an action that will be in progress at a given moment in future, or to              express an action that is fairly certain to happen in future.

 Rule:     Subject+ will be, shall be + ing form of the verb

   Examples: Positive:

                             We shall be waiting for you.

                             He will be arriving the airport to see him off.


                                    We shan't be waiting for you.

                                    He won't be arriving at the airport to see him off.


                                           Shall we be waiting for you?

                                          Will he be arriving at the airport to see him off?

Exercise.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb in the Future Continuous Tense given in the bracket:

             She ______________  college next year.(join)

              I ________ you off and on.( meet)

             A harsh wind___________ in the afternoon. ( blow)

              At this time tomorrow ,we________________ to Mumbai( travel)

    Future Perfect Tense

 * This tense is used to express an action completed before a given moment in the future 

  * It is usually used with a time expression beginning with by: by then, by that time, 

           by the fifth of this month, by next Friday/week etc.

   Rule: Subject+ will, shall + IIIrd form of the verb.

          Example, Positive:

                               I shall have got my result by next Monday.

                              They will have shifted to a new city by the end of this week.


                                   I shan't got my result by next Monday

                                They won't have shifted to a new city by the end of this week.


                                   Shall I have got my result by next Monday?

                                    Will they have shifted to a new city by the end of this week?

              Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the future  perfect tense of the verbs given in the bracket.

                       Many days _______ before we meet again.( pass)

                       I   _____my painting before she begin hers.(finish)

                      Next month they__________ to their new house.( shift)

                      This bouquet of flowers ______ in two-three days.( wither)


Future Perfect Continuous Tense

This tense is used to express an action which will begin before a definite moment in the future, will continue up to that moment and will be in progress even at that moment.

Rule: Subject+ will have been, shall have been+ ing form of the verb


               Positive: She will have been singing continuously for two hours.

                               I shall have been riding a bicycle since morning.

                Negative: She will not have been singing continuously for two hours.

                                  I shall not have been riding a bicycle since morning.

                 Interrogative: Will she have been singing for two hours?

                                           Shall I have been riding a bicycle since morning?

 Exercise 3 Rewrite the following sentences in the future perfect continuous tense using the word given in the bracket:

            When you arrive, I shall be doing my homework.( for one hour)

           Tomorrow at this time ,she will be flying to London.( for six hours)





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