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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Paragraph Writing

Meaning & features of writing a Paragraph:-

A paragraph writing is a group of sentences related to one  topic or developing one point. These sentences are closely related in meaning and are arranged in a systematic manner. 

The essential features of a good paragraph writing are: unity,coherence,emphasis and variety.

i. Unity: It means that a paragraph should deal with only one central theme, one central thought. Since a paragraph is only a short composition, unity of thought is very important to it. We can achieve unity by stating the theme of the paragraph in a sentence right in its beginning. We may call this sentence the topic sentence.

ii. Coherence: It means that all the sentences in a paragraph should be well connected to each other as well as to the central theme. It suggests that each sentence should naturally follow the previous sentence and should naturally lead to the next one. If we write in a systematic manner, we should be able to achieve coherence.

iii. Emphasis: We may be including in our paragraph a few ideas or a few events related to a central theme. These ideas or events cannot be equally important. Some of them will be more important than the others. Emphasis means that we should give each idea or event as much importance as it deserves in relation to the central theme.

iv. Variety: When we talk of variety in a paragraph, it is not variety in a theme. We have already seen that a paragraph deals with only one theme. There should be variety in sentence construction so that the paragraph does not become dull.

If you have to write a paragraph on a given subject, you can proceed as follows:

1. Think about the subject given to you and jot down all the points as they come to your mind. See that all the points are strictly related to the subjects.

2. Arrange these point in a systematic manner.

3. If you think it proper, begin your paragraph with a topic sentence suggesting the central theme.

4. Develop your subject in a well-connected sentences.

5. Give variety to a sentences. They should not be all too long or all too short. They should have different patterns.

6. The last sentence of your paragraph should give the impression that you have clearly said all that you wanted to say. Try to make your last sentence as impressive as you can.

7. If a word limit is given for your paragraph, do not exceed it

Example of Paragraph Writing

                      Little Acts of Kindness Make the Sum of Life

Mother Teresa once said,"We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do little things with great love". If we look around, we shall find unending opportunities of doing service- of being helpful. There are hungry people in the streets, people who can neither read nor write, elderly people whose loneliness could get a break with some company, streets with litter, and thousands of other little things  that need to be done.All we need to focus on some little acts of kindness which we can do right now. A small gift of volunteer work for the needy makes the sum of life. We get satisfaction as also the joy of being useful and serviceable to others. We don't have to go very far to practice random acts of kindness. If we decide on making an illiterate person a literate one, we shall find one available just in our own neighborhood. Several occasions for personal service show up even when we are busy with our own routine. Thus if we engage ourselves in doing something- anything in respect of service to society- we shall feel the joy of giving and will help make our world certainly a bit brighter.


Practice Exercise:

Q. Write a paragraph of about 100-150 words on any one of the following topics:       

1. Some of the things that Annoy you       

2. What friendship Means to Me     

3. Indian National Flag         

4. The Importance of Money                        




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