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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Learn different ways to express moods & attitude

Verb: Modals

*A verb used to express the mood or attitude of a speaker is called a modal.

* The most commonly used modals are:

    can,   could,  may ,  might , will , would,   shall,   should ,  must  ,   ought to,    need ,    dare.

And these modals are used to suggest:

.1 permission



4 suggestion, advice, duty,( obligation)

5. promise.

6.. intention


8.necessity, compulsion



NOTE: Modals are always followed by a main verb, They cannot stand on their own unless they are used in a question tag.

Example- You can park your car in front of our gate. (modal' can' is used before main verb)

                 You can lift this bag, can't you? ( in question tag, can be used alone)

* Modals always have the same form. They do not change form with the person and number of the subject.

Example- You must do

                 He must do

                 They must do    etc.

*The main verb used after a modal is always the root word.Present participle,past and past participle

forms of a verb are never used with a modal.

Permission: may, can and could

The above three modals are used to suggest permission.

Can is informal

May is polite

Could is more polite

Two friends are talking

Anu: Can I use your book, Sonu?     ( Informal talk being friends)

Sonu: Yes, you can, But keep it safely.

Since they are friends ,they don't have to be formal.

A student talking to the teacher( formal relation)

Bin: May I go to the library , Madam.

Teacher: Yes ,you may.

A subordinate talking to his officer.

Jack: Sir, could you grant  me two days' leave?  ( very polite being a subordinate)

Officer: You may take if there is no emergency in the office.( formal permission by the officer)

Ability: can, could, be able to

Can: Used to express ability , capability in the present. Ex. She can dance well.

Could: Ability in the past is expressed by could. Ex. She could dance very well in her youth.

Be able to: It also expresses ability and can be used in any tense:

  1.He is able to swim well.

  2.He was able to swim well in his young age.

  3.I am sure I will be able to attend the function tomorrow.

Possibility: may, might, could

May suggests a good possibility:

Cool down. Your wallet may be in your bag.

Might suggests a weak possibility and could  still weaker possibility.

Could also suggests a very weak possibility in the future

Example- Your wallet might be in your bag.( weak possibility)

                 Your wallet could be in your bag.( a very weak  possibility)

                 She could come tomorrow.( a very weak possibility in the future)

Suggestion, advice, duty,( obligation) should, ought to

Should : It is used to express suggestion or advice:

Should we start  doing the homework?( suggestion)

We should include another member in our team?( suggestion)

You should try to improve your hand writing.( advice)

Ought to is a little stronger than should. It suggests that something is the right thing to do. It also conveys a sense of duty:

We ought to take care of our old parents.( moral duty)

You are not looking fit. You ought to go for a morning walk daily.( This is the right thing to do)

Promise: will , shall

Will & shall are used to suggest promises. Normally shall is used with first person subject and will with all persons. But if a promise is to be suggested, will is used with first person subjects and shall with other persons..

 We will attend your birthday party.( It is our  promise)

You shall get a new dress on your birthday.( It's my promise)

Intention: will, shall

Normally will and shall suggest intention or willingness:

I shall  ring you in the morning.( intention)

He will help you with your work.( intention/willingness)

Request: would,  can, could

Would you buy me some new clothes ?( polite request)

Could you pass me the salt ?( polite request)

Can I have some water?( informal request)

Necessity, compulsion: must, have to, had to, have got to, will have to

We are getting late. We must take the taxi. (necessity)

You must pay the  dues on time.( compulsion)

In the army you have to clean your shoes yourself.( compulsion)

Since he was not t home, we had to wait for him.( necessity ,in past tense)

 I have got to finish this work by evening.( necessity/ compulsion)

I will have to go and get some medicine.( necessity, in future tense)

Must, have to

Must suggests desire of the speaker. Have to suggests an external compulsion:

You must pay the dues on time.( speaker wants the dues to be paid on time)

In the army you have to get up early in the morning.( army rules require everybody to get up early in the morning)

Need't  It suggests that there is no necessity or compulsion:

You need't go to the doctor.

Prohibition: must not, ought not to

Cars must not be parked in front of the gate.( It is prohibited to park cars in front of the gate)

You ought not to make fun of an old man.( As a duty , you should not make a fun of an old man.)

Wish: may

May is normally used to express a wish:

 May you live long!

Dare. It is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences:

I daren't  climb that tall tree.

Dare you challenge him to a fight? No, I daren't 

Dare can  also be used as a normal verb:

I don't dare to climb that tall tree.

Do you dare challenge him to a fight?No I don't.

Lets revise: https://youtu.be/Nk9nQwoCFig



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