Enhance core English skills (reading, writing, recitation, grammar, learning through stories, theatrical skills, facts etc).

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Practice Work sheet 2

 Action Words 

Ex.1  Underline verbs in the following sentences. Also write whether action, being or possession                     

1. Ruma is an introvert .  _________

2.We love reading books._______

3.They have a big house. _______

4.Jeet and Jimmy are friends.______

5.He deals in timber.______

6.Neema has two brothers.______

7. I have had my food.________

8. She had a severe stomachache last week.______

9. They had finished the task before I arrived._____

10. You seem to be very happy._____

 Ex.2   See the following picture and fill in the blanks by using appropriate verb.                                                                         

     1.The whole family ____ by car.

    2.Father_____ at the driving seat.

    3.Mother _____ golden hair
    4. Children ____ looking happy.

    5.The girl _____ a teddy.

    6.The boy is _______.

Ex.3   Tick the correct option( verb) to complete the following statements

      1.Bread and butter ( are, is) a good snack.

     2. One of the students (is, are) absent today.

    3.That pair of glasses ( costs, cost) too much.

    4.She( attend, attends) the class regularly.

    5.We (are, were) very busy now
    6.They ( visited, visit) my place yesterday.

    7.Her hair ( are, is) brown.

    8.She along with her mother (goes ,go) for morning walk.

    9. I ( like, likes) watching movies
   1o. None of them ( was,were) present at her party.

Ex.4    Read the passage given below and circle the verbs.

 I have a German Shepherd pet. I like him very much, He is so lovely and cuddly. His name is Bruno .We are the best of friends. He has golden hair. He never fails to make me happy especially. in the mor-ning. He loves to go for a walk  with me.and wants to accompany me wherever I go. I just sit and talk things out with him. He just sits and listens to me carefully. I really appreciate him for his gestures.I guess that is the best part of having a pet- someone who can sit and listen to you and not make judgement . Even if I hit him or scold him ,he still loves me. That's unconditional love!


Ex.5 Rewrite the following passage using the correct tense, present simple or present continuous, of the verbs given in the bracket below:

Soma (sit) in the waiting hall of her doctor's clinic. Usually she( keep)good health. But yesterday she got drenched in rain while coming from the office.It( appear) that she ( now suffer) from cold and cough. Many people(think) that a cold is a minor disease. So they (not care) for it. But Soma's experience (tell)her that a bad cold can be very troublesome. So she(not want)to neglect it.The doctor (examine) some other patient that's why Soma( wait) for her turn

Ex.5 .Match the following( Make sure that subject and verb match)

             Subject                              Predicate

       1.Salil                                      Performs very well
       2 Reeta and Neena                  have won the match

       3.This coir group                   teaches Science

       4.We                                      is running a detective agency

       5 Mrs. John                             spend their time watching television

Ex.6 Rewrite these sentences in the plural form:

         1.He is very attentive in office.

         2.She speaks English very well.

         3.Reena paints beautifully.

         4.The lawn is very big
         5. I do my work myself.



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